All in Tips and Tricks

10 Tips for Business Video Marketing

Year after year, video is the most effective way to connect with consumers online. The numbers don’t lie. As these stats show, video develops a deeper connection with your audience, attracts new customers, increases brand awareness and drives sales. If you want to implement business video marketing for your company, these 10 tips will help you create and share successful content.

A Brief History of Storytelling

Storytelling has been around for thousands of years. Humans tell stories as a means of entertainment, communication and passing down information from generation to generation. It’s in our nature to tell stories, but the way we tell them has changed due to advances in technology. As Jonathan Gottschall said, “The way we experience story will evolve, but as storytelling animals, we will no more give it up than start walking on all fours.” From rocks to computers, here is a brief history of storytelling and storyteller marketing.

10 Great Articles About Storyteller Marketing

All businesses, whether they are corporate companies or small startups, can benefit from storyteller marketing. It’s no secret that people love good stories, so why not use this engaging, memorable form of communication to connect with consumers? In these articles you’ll discover why storyteller marketing is so important, learn how to tell your brand story and find tips about creating relationships with your audience.

What is the Importance of Storytelling in Marketing?

Everyone loves a good story. And here at The Storyteller Agency, we believe that marketing at its very core, is about telling the best story – the one that keeps people telling it and talking about it for years. Storyteller marketing is essential when it comes to selling your product or service because it expresses your brand values, creates a human connection and captures the attention of consumers. Marketing shouldn’t be about advertising, publicizing or selling, it should be about storytelling and here’s why:

How to Correctly Tag Social Media Posts

Social media tagging is a great way to give your posts more exposure and encourage engagement. When done correctly, tagging other accounts in your photos and copy can be mutually beneficial for everyone involved. These tips about how to tag on social media will help you create a targeted following and increase your reach.

7 Ways to Share Your Nonprofit’s Story

Storytelling is one of the most powerful marketing tools for nonprofits to share their mission. Good stories engage audiences, influence behavior and create an emotional connection with their audience. Whether you want to attract donors, recruit more volunteers or just share your vision with the community, storyteller marketing is a great way to share your nonprofit’s story.

Live Storytelling Events Calendar

Live storytelling events can be very entertaining and also very powerful. They allow us to connect with people in our community and collectively feel the same emotions. It’s a unique experience whether you’re telling your story or listening, so you won’t want to miss these live storytelling events around the United States this year.

Storytelling Through Podcasts in 2019: What To Know Now

Podcasts continue to grow in popularity and this won’t slow down anytime soon. According to a study conducted by Edison Research, more than 50% of the US population over the age of 12 has listened to a podcast this year, jumping from 44% in 2018. With endless content options and ease of consuming, this platform is ideal for storytelling. Whether it’s an interview, fictional story or the latest news, podcasts are a great way to reach your ideal audience. Here is what you need to know about storytelling through podcasts in 2019.

What the &%#$ Is Going on with Instagram?

If your Instagram engagement is at an all-time low, you are not alone. A study claims that engagement across Instagram is down and has been sharply declining since May 2019. When using Instagram to promote your business, it’s important that your posts are reaching your ideal audience, so read on for a few helpful strategies to combat Instagram’s new algorithm and make sure your posts are seen.

Why Getting Vulnerable in Stories Works

There are so many great kinds of stories to tell in your content that will help you reach your audience and solve their problems. How-to guides, top ten lists, and even quotes to live by are very helpful; however, they don’t always reach your audience’s emotional core, which is important. You want to forge an emotional connection with your audience (a positive one, that is), and one way to do that is by telling stories in which you show your vulnerable side. 

The Downfall of Traditional Marketing

Quality content has done to traditional marketing what video did to the radio star. While marketing will always be a thing, the style of “traditional” approach to marketing prominent in the last century is no longer a viable, sustainable model. Businesses that want to thrive and survive need to forget about selling and start focusing on storytelling. Here’s why.